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Kelley Keogh pt3 – ITAD Recycling Landscape

Kelley Keogh pt3 - ITAD Recycling Landscape

ITAD Talk welcomes Kelley Keogh.

A Co-Founder of Greeneye Partners LLC, Kelley has been working in the recycling and waste industries since 1992, including sustainability, health and safety auditor and onsite smelter audits, CRT furnaces, battery recyclers and mercury retort sites worldwide. Since 1999 her work has been exclusively in the electronics recycling industry supporting companies in certification to ISO, R2, RIOS and e-Stewards. Kelley served on the technical advisory groups for the R2 and RIOS standards and served with EPEAT as both a Standards Assessor and Verification Auditor. Kelley is a California Certified Sustainable Auditor for the wine industry.

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