4 Best Places to Sell Computer Parts

Best places to sell computer parts examples.
Reading Time: 12 minutes

Finding the best places to sell computer parts can be a bit overwhelming. The rate at which computers and PC components advance can sometimes make semi-annual upgrades a necessity. And if you’ve updated any aspect of your computer in the last few years, you know you can end up with a number of spare parts.

But what are you doing with all of that leftover equipment? Rather than sitting back and letting it collect dust, it’s time for you to see some return on investment and sell your old computer parts.

You probably already have a few questions in mind like “where to sell used computers?” and “how much can I get for computer parts?”. Continue reading to find out!

Sell your computer parts at the best rate and hassle free

4 Best Places to Sell Computer Parts

If there aren’t physical electronic stores where you can recoup some value, you may be wondering: where can I sell computer parts online? In the past, used computer parts like processors and ram didn’t retain much value.

But now, it’s important to know the best places to sell computer parts online, as one high-end graphics card can easily be worth thousands of dollars. In this article we’ll go over where to sell computer parts like Cisco equipment, memory, processors, hard drives, or even servers to get the most money back.

1. Reddit.com/r/hardwareswap

First on our list of the best places to sell computer parts is on Reddit. Hardwareswap is a “subreddit” within the online forum that has become a staple in the consumer IT trading space. While on paper it shouldn’t be one of the best places to sell used computer parts, many consumers find reasonable offers and reliable buyers on this platform. You can also trade equipment alternatively if you’d prefer to do that rather than sell the parts outright for cash.

The platform is highly moderated, and spammers don’t last long enough to end up in your feed. Each buyer or seller must have an account that’s at least 50 days old or have minimum 100 comment karma. This essentially means your account can’t be brand new or unused before you can use this platform.

sell computer parts reddit

However, you can provide proof of transaction histories on other platforms (besides eBay) like Heatware to verify your authenticity. But if you don’t have a history already and you’re not willing to wait to use the platform, then it won’t be one of your ideal places to sell computer parts.

Another layer of verification is the mandatory timestamps. Essentially, every item that’s posted on the forum needs to have a corresponding picture with the username and date written on a piece of paper next to the hardware.

While this forum isn’t perfect, it definitely has potential as one of the best places to sell computer parts online, whether used or new. The layers of authenticity create a safe environment to conduct business. However, it may take time to build the necessary credentials, making the bar for entry a bit too steep for more casual or one-time sellers.

2. eBay

The classic ecommerce mainstay. While it may be the most well known, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily one of the best places to sell computer parts online. For instance, if you don’t have an established seller rating, it can dissuade potential buyers. Another consideration is the saturated market on eBay. It could be much easier to sell used computer parts if they’re more mainstream, but the competition can be cost prohibitive. For niche products it can be difficult to find buyers on eBay, though that’s true of any platform typically.

But one of the biggest downsides to selling on eBay is its multiple levels of fees. eBay charges “insertion fees” for every computer part you list. While there are a set number of insertions credited to users before fees, up to 50 or more per month, for sellers moving bulk components that’ll quickly run out.

Which means fees can also quickly add up. Successful auction sales guarantee you’ll recoup that cost, but if a particular item fails to sell in the given time period there are no refunds on insertion fees. And an additional insertion fee will be charged if the same item is listed again.

Selling in an auction setting has certain risk-reward elements to it as well. And even if you decide to list an item at a fixed rate, eBay will still charge a “final value fee” on sold items. Which means that a certain percentage will be taken out of any final profits. Consider any shipping fees you might encounter and eBay might not be worth the effort.

3. Facebook Marketplace

While on the surface, Facebook Marketplace is still a fairly unregulated market, there is quite a bit of transparency with transactions since you’re dealing with somebody’s personal account. This platform is for local deals using cash, check, or paypal typically. As with any in-person transactions, be wary meeting anyone in an unsecure location.

Facebook marketplace can help you to avoid the fees that come with some of the other options, but depending on your location it may not be viable to find a buyer for many IT assets.

sell computer parts facebook

4. ITAD Companies

One of the best places to sell computer parts, especially for bulk IT liquidations, is to ITAD companies. IT asset disposition companies specialize in buying bulk lots of IT hardware and remarketing it across various secondary channels to maximize returns on the equipment. If you have multiple computers, enterprise equipment, or bulk lots of IT equipment, an ITAD vendor is probably at the top of the list of best places to sell computer parts. Turnaround depends on preferred method of payment. Prepay is rarely an option, but many ITAD companies will be able to process your order in a few days. However, if selling bulk equipment on consignment most ITAD companies will pay a larger compensation.

When choosing an ITAD vendor, price, convenience, and trustworthiness are primary considerations. Some ITAD vendors will simply take your hardware list and broker it out to countless other vendors. This tends to prevent optimal returns on your equipment and crash the market for the hardware you’re selling. An ITAD company that knows the market and knows specifically where to remarket your assets will be able to give a better price. Also be mindful of e-waste and ensure the company’s server recycling and e-waste downstream are up to par.

Look for a company that has been in business for a long time and is trusted by several scrupulous enterprises.

Do you need to sell IT equipment in bulk or liquidate your data center? Get a purchase offer on your equipment by shooting us over a list!

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4 Best Trade-in Options for Computer Parts

Sometimes convenience is king. Especially in the modern, tech-heavy era. While you’ll probably make a larger profit selling your computer parts as an individual marketer – through personal listings, auctions, or any of the above – it can simply take up too much of your time and effort.

  • Take the time to research your individual products and decide if the potential profit is actually worth all of the time it takes to meticulously list every one of your components, communicate with customers, fulfill orders, and cover shipping and selling fees.
  • There are plenty of parts that are simply not in-demand. It doesn’t mean the value might not be there at a later date.
  • If you’re having trouble selling and simply want to unload computer parts off of your hands, the trade in route may definitely be for you.
  • It’s fast, convenient, and doesn’t involve waiting on customer responses.

Several companies will let you trade in used IT equipment towards a new purchase if you aren’t just looking for cash payment. Keep in mind, compensation tends to be lower with these options than selling direct to consumers.

These are the main trade in options:

1. Amazon

Amazon has a pretty great trade in program that makes it really easy to get an offer on your product. You find your product in the drop down menus, and then select it to get an offer. The program has a mere 2 day turnaround, though your reimbursement can only be used on Amazon.

You may also choose to sell your parts on Amazon, though it comes with some of the same risks and fees as selling on a site like eBay.

If you explore the sellers route at Amazon, there are two plans to consider. Individual sellers can list as many items as they want while being charged $0.99 for every sale. Additional selling fees can extend to as high as 15% of a seller’s total profit of $100 or less and a second $1.00 referral fee.

sell computer parts on amazon

If you’re selling in bulk, maybe after clearing out an old data center, the Professional plan might be for you. Especially if you have over 40 listings. Since the Professional plan charges $39.99 per month, it makes sense mathematically. However the other seller fees remain the same.

The positives of partnering with a company like Amazon are a trusted name and the potential to get maximum trade-in value. You probably already do a lot of shopping on Amazon anyways, so credit is nearly as valuable as selling for cash – without the fees!

2. Best Buy

Best buy has a similar trade in feature to Amazon: the process is just as simple and you only get a trade in for store credit. However, it’s much slower to get paid through Best Buy at closer to a ten day turnaround time instead of Amazon’s two days.

3. Gazelle

Gazelle pays within seven days and offers the choice of an Amazon.com gift card, direct PayPal, or check reimbursement options. The system is quite simple like with Amazon and Best Buy, though with Gazelle you at least have different payment options.

4. Nextworth

Nextworth takes around 10-15 business days to reimburse you, and they also give check, PayPal, and Target gift card reimbursement options. You can take your computer parts to a target to trade them in, though that option forces you to be reimbursed by target gift card.

How to Sell Computer Parts

Before we get to the “how” in terms of selling computer parts, it’s important to cover a few overview items that will help you get started. You want to ensure you’re putting forth the best practices as a seller or trader, while also protecting your business and maximizing the value of your equipment.

If you’re looking to sell your computer parts, whether it’s processors, old servers, RAM, CPUs, laptops or laptop parts, or more, you’ll have to do your share of legwork to ensure those products are easily found by buyers. You want your listing to stand out from the crowd and jump to the top of buyer’s searches – no matter what platform you choose to sell from.

There are a few ways to make sure you do everything on your end to ensure a successful listing and to make sure your old equipment is worth a real profit.

Know Your Inventory

Before you look to sell computer parts, it’s important to take stock of what material you actually have. For consumers with small lots of PC parts, this isn’t typically an issue, but it is all too common for those with large sets of equipment to not know what they have in inventory.

Before you look to sell computer parts, take a manual log of part numbers and model numbers. A simple google search should allow you to verify what you have in stock. To find the present value, disregard the currently listed prices online; check recently sold listings.

Once you have a list of computer parts assembled, it may behoove you to shop the parts around. Get a feel for what those parts are selling for.

Look online at the used computer parts you’re looking to sell and see if the price point is worth your time and effort.

For instance, graphic card and CPUs might be worth more than processors or old flash storage stacks. You won’t know if you’re missing out on profits if you don’t do your homework first.

From there, submit your list to several companies that buy used IT equipment. Some factors to consider are response time, purchase offer, length of time in business, certifications, and reviews.

Knowing exactly what you’re selling will also help determine where you should sell it. Again, keep organized, updated records of:

  • The number and type of computer parts you want to sell
  • The year they’re from
  • Any component serial numbers
  • Your specific model names and the computers or programs they work with
  • If you still have any original instructional manuals, even better

Be sure to take clear photos of every individual component as well. This will help speed up the online listing process and will help build your trust as a seller.

Know Your Market

Consider that different parts might sell for more or less at different outlets and in different markets. And that means understanding your local market as well.

Your local market might not offer the same seller opportunities outside of major cities, areas with a large tech hub, or places with a large conglomerate of data centers.

Which means you’ll need to consider more national, online options over brick and mortar spots or local community online forums. But that means you’ll probably have to cover shipping and other seller fees.

Which leads us to a final note: understanding how your level of commitment can affect results. If you don’t have the time to research markets too heavily, a trade-in or ITAD service may be your best bet to get everything off your hands all at once.

But in order to sell older or more specific computer parts, it may require a certain level of patience and time commitment to see the maximum value.

Where to sell used computers

3 Steps to Optimize Your Listing

1. A great title goes a long way.

Take a look at some of the top listings on your own search at the buyers platform of your choice. See how descriptive the best listings are? You should place the name of device and its type, any part numbers or compatibility details front and center. Use additional key phrases to help your listing stand out (Example: Audio Technica AD700x Headphones + Modmic 5, 25″ 1080p 60hz IPS Monitor).

2. It’s all in the details.

Use the description boxes to go into a little more detail about the specifics of the computer part. Think about what you look for as a buyer – give all the information possible. Is it new, used, or refurbished? Is it in working condition or does it need repair? Is there a specific reason you’re selling it (ie: you recently upgraded, not what you need, etc.)? Additional information might include product specs like size, compatibility, or any software needs.

3. Display Components Accurately

Take high quality photos of any computer parts you’re selling. As a seller, you want to create as little confusion or appearance of deception as possible. Any photos of a listed device or computer part should be useful. Show damage if it’s there, even if you include details in the description. Provide multiple angles. If serial or specific part numbers are visible, show those as well. It’ll all go towards building your credibility as a seller.

When to Sell Computer Parts

When it comes to selling computer parts, timing can be crucial. This is especially true with newer parts, whose prices fluctuate more rapidly. Take the following example: imagine that a bulk lot of RAM is replaced and sold days after a shortage announcement arrives from South Korea. Prices fluctuate and the sale goes through for two thirds of what it would have if the RAM was sold a week earlier. Similar situations are not unusual in the secondary IT market.

Before You Do Anything

Before you sell computer parts, you need to be sure that you’re doing everything in your power to protect yourself and your assets. Security should always be your first priority.

No matter if you’re selling computer parts, putting them in storage, or looking to dispose of them properly, the right care and steps can ensure you protect yourself. And that starts with making sure your data is safe.

  • Data erasure. If applicable, as in selling an old laptop, flash-storage device, or hard drive, you’ll want to be sure you erase any data. That includes saved logins, software, personal files and photos, credit card and banking information, etc. If it’s data you think you’ll need later, back it up on another device or via a cloud service. Otherwise, do a full erasure.
  • A simple ‘delete’ on your hard drive probably won’t be enough if you’re not an IT professional. There are extensive data recovery methods available now, so even if you think your data is “gone,” odds are someone can still find it. Enlist the help of a professional to be sure your data is wiped clean.
  • Finally, it’s worth it to make sure you’re not passing on a potential security risk to someone else. Make sure you completely scan any components that could potentially carry viruses or harmful malware. Even as a private seller, you don’t want to be liable for any potential damages to the buyer’s hardware. 

Timing the market

RAM in particular fluctuates with international supply, which is often seasonal. You can check past sold eBay listings for different parts of the year to identify trends for your RAM. Graphics card pricing is potentially the most volatile, as it follows erratic cryptocurrency trends.

Depending on what cryptocurrency is doing, crypto miners will often enter and leave the GPU market en masse, driving supply and price shifts. Timing GPU sales with cryptocurrency booms is profitable, but difficult when even cryptocurrency experts have difficulty predicting shifts.

Hard drive prices, on the other hand, tend to remain relatively stable. Consumer CPUs tend to shift around new model releases, while enterprise CPU prices are typically more stable.

Make It Easier to Sell Computer Parts

For the most part, the IT market is incredibly difficult to navigate casually. It can be difficult to truly know the ins and outs. In many cases, relying on an IT asset disposition vendor will ease this process significantly. While IT resellers will take a fee, they will typically increase returns enough to cover the cost of the service while they handle all the hassle of finding solid buyers for your equipment.

At exIT Technologies, we offer full IT equipment services ranging from asset recovery, network equipment sales and recycling, data erasure, and full data center decommission services.

Click here for a free asset valuation and service quote.

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