The threat is real. Counter it with the right partner.
Improper data center decommissioning threatens organizations and their data, not to mention the risk of environmental PR nightmares. Conversely, liquidating or disposing of your assets is painless when you work with exIT.
We deliver convenient, thorough service, and follow rigorous standards, so you can count on secure, transparent, environmentally friendly practices. With ExIT, your company’s data will be protected, and you’ll receive the highest value for your data center equipment.
Servers Purchased
We buy your servers
Selling your servers to ExIT Technologies brings value to your bottom line, making decommisioning or moving easy and less expensive.
Data Erased
Guaranteed clean
Your company’s brand is often considered the most valuable asset it has. ExIT Technologies takes your reputation seriously and protects it by providing the highest levels of service, meeting or exceeding the industry standard.
Units Recycled
Social responsibility
ExIT Technologies takes your old equipment and recycles or sells it, meaning that we help your company become even greener than before, keeping hazardous waste out of the landfill.