Exit Technologies

Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety Policy

Exit Technologies is committed to following the R2v3, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 9001:2015 requirements and to maintaining conformance to the requirements of our QEHS management system and scope.  We are equally committed to meeting and exceeding our customer requirements, to continually improving our processes and to maintaining compliance with relevant environmental, Occupational Health and Safety and data security legislation and regulations. Consistent with these core operations, it is Exit Technologies’ overall goal to accomplish its business objectives while meeting and exceeding the environmental and health & safety expectations of our management, employees, customers, suppliers and regulators.

We will continually improve our systems while striving to minimize adverse impacts on the environment by managing and tracking through the recycling chain used and end-of-life electronic equipment, components and materials, including focus materials as identified in the R2v3 Standard –with respect to both on-site activities and the selection of downstream vendors – using a “reuse, recover, dispose” hierarchy of responsible management strategies in a manner protecting the environment, worker health and safety, our clients and our community.

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